Express Tasks

July 2018

This small project allows users to create an account and manage their tasks. Users can create, edit, and delete tasks as well as sort the tasks using drag and drop.

How to Run

  1. Install required dependencies with npm install
  2. Ensure MongoDB is installed on your local machine
  3. Run the project with npm start
  4. Visit localhost:5000 in your web browser

Some of the key things I learned from this project are:

  • Creating an application using Node and Express
  • Using MongoDB to store and load data
  • User authentication using passport and bcrypt
  • Using environment variables to store sensitive configuration settings
  • Live deployment to a cloud service


  • Add/Edit/Delete Tasks
  • Tasks unique to each user account
  • Only add and edit tasks for user’s own account
  • Drag and drop tasks to sort them
  • Sorting saves to database immediately


Please feel free to use the contact form to send me an email.